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Step-By-Step Guide To Repairing & Replacing Blown-Off Roof Shingles

Step-By-Step Guide To Repairing & Replacing Blown-Off Roof Shingles Tips To Prevent Shingles From Blowing Off A well-maintained roof is the guardian of our homes, shielding us from the elements and ensuring our safety and comfort. However, over time, weather conditions can take their toll, and shingles may succumb to the forces of nature, [...]

2023-10-23T14:37:32-07:00July 31st, 2023|Repair, Roofing|

Why You Should Not Delay Your Roof Repair

Why You Should Not Delay Your Roof Repair The Risks Of Postponing A Roof Repair Roof repair costs can quickly climb into the thousands of dollars if not done correctly or if you postpone the issues. Do you want to pay for something that you could’ve prevented? Probably not!  Roof repair is one of [...]

2024-05-14T16:43:17-07:00February 21st, 2023|Repair, Roofing|

How Do I Know If My Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail?

How Do I Know If My Roof Has Been Damaged By Hail? Things To Consider Before Inspecting Your Roof If you live in an area where hail is common, you must be aware of any sign of damage to your roof. Understanding how hail damages roofs can help you take precautions to prevent water [...]

2024-05-14T16:43:35-07:00February 1st, 2023|Repair, Roofing|

Finding The Origin Of Your Catastrophic Roof Leak

Finding The Origin Of Your Catastrophic Roof Leak Learn How To Discover The Source Of Your Roof Leak With An Expert Arizona Roofing Company Leaks are some of the most common roofing problems. You may not even realize that you have a leak until it has carried on for weeks or even months. But then [...]

2021-05-31T21:59:01-07:00May 20th, 2021|Repair|

Foolproof Hacks to Keeping Your Commercial Roof Intact

Foolproof Hacks to Keeping Your Commercial Roof Intact Commercial roofs are different animals than residential roofs. They usually don’t have much pitch, they cover a much larger surface area, and they are often topped by heavy equipment. Not to mention the fact that they cover a property that likely has valuable merchandise and specialty equipment [...]

2020-10-10T06:08:13-07:00October 1st, 2020|Commercial, Repair, Roofing|

Planning Your Roof Repair to Fit Your Budget Needs

Planning Your Roof Repair to Fit Your Budget Needs Getting a new roof can be very expensive, as can getting major roof repair. A new roof can cost between $5,000 to $10,000 – and that’s just to start. The higher quality the materials you choose, the more the price goes up. The more complicated your [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:20-07:00August 14th, 2020|Repair|

Roof Repairs on a Budget: How to Keep Your Roof and Your Wallet Intact

Roof Repairs on a Budget: How to Keep Your Roof and Your Wallet Intact It’s no secret that roofing is expensive. It’s one of the biggest parts of your house, and one of the most important, and the price of roof repair services and re-roofing reflects that. However, no matter how expensive something is for [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:24-07:00April 23rd, 2020|Repair|

HOA Roof Repair Tips

HOA Roof Repair Tips Living in a community with an HOA, or Home Owners’ Association, has its perks. There’s usually a community pool or other community spaces, you can be sure that the homes are uniformly maintained, and you might even get some of your home’s maintenance covered for you. In exchange, you pay a [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:25-07:00January 22nd, 2020|Repair|

3 Symptoms of an Impending Roof Catastrophe

3 Symptoms of an Impending Roof Catastrophe Your roof could look fine, but that doesn’t mean it is fine. If you don’t know the signs to look for, you could easily have a roofing catastrophe on your hands seemingly out of nowhere. You’ll have an unpleasant surprise that might involve water pouring through your roof [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:27-07:00December 3rd, 2019|Repair|

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Roofer during a Re-Roofing

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Roofer during a Re-Roofing When I saw a damaged roof I looked into Transition Roofing and i thought about this services to install a new roof installation which offers the perfect opportunity to make some big changes to your home. Not only do you have the opportunity to improve [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:28-07:00October 4th, 2019|Repair|

DIY Roof Repairs and 3 Reasons to Avoid Them

DIY Roof Repairs and 3 Reasons to Avoid Them Everyone wants the bragging rights of a good DIY program these days. And when it comes to big jobs like roof repair or re-roofing, everyone wants to save a little money. But roofing work is not one of the things that you should try to do [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:28-07:00September 26th, 2019|Repair|

The Potential Hazards of Not Repairing Your Roof before Monsoon Season

The Potential Hazards of Not Repairing Your Roof before Monsoon Season Arizona gets battered with monsoons every year, and the intense rains and winds can cause a lot of damage to homes and other properties. Having a strong and healthy roof can protect your home against a lot of the damage, but if your roof [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:29-07:00August 26th, 2019|Repair|

What’s That Sound? Noises Your Roof Makes & How to Deal with Them

What’s That Sound? Noises Your Roof Makes & How to Deal with Them Expert Tips for Dealing with Unusual Sounds from Your Roof Your house likely makes a lot of noise. You may hear creaks and groans and even strange whooshes. You may hear them during the day or in the middle of the [...]

2024-03-12T16:30:38-07:00August 15th, 2019|Repair|

Help! My Utilities are Too High: Symptoms of an Inefficient Roof

Help! My Utilities are Too High: Symptoms of an Inefficient Roof Your cooling bills are always going to seem high in Arizona. It’s not easy to keep your house cool when the temperatures outside are climbing past 100! But sometimes, you might notice that your utility bills are even higher than usual. Have you been [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:31-07:00January 10th, 2019|Repair|

Checking Your Roof for Damage after a Monsoon

Checking Your Roof for Damage after a Monsoon Arizona’s monsoons are notorious. Every year, they come through and leave a path of destruction with their heavy winds and their flooding rains. Some storms will take down trees or pull up flower beds. Others will just knock over the occasional lawn chair or leave a scattering [...]

2023-09-14T13:47:31-07:00December 3rd, 2018|Repair|

Math for Roofers

Math for Roofers You call the roofer in Arrowhead to fix that slow leak and you learn that what you thought would be a simple roof repair is going to require a lot of work. You hear the price and you about fall over. It’s going to be how much? Roof work requires experience and [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:38-07:00December 19th, 2016|Repair|

5 Questions You Should Ask When Hiring a Roofing Contractor

5 Questions You Should Ask When Hiring a Roofing Contractor In an ideal world, you could trust that if someone is a professional, they are going to do the job that you hire them to do and deliver the results that they promise. Unfortunately, we don’t live in an ideal world, and too many people [...]

2023-11-29T16:56:54-07:00December 1st, 2016|Repair|

End of the Summer Checklist for Your Arizona Roof

End of the Summer Checklist for Your Arizona Roof The summers in Arizona can be brutal. Think about how unbearable it is for you to just stand outside for longer than a few minutes, and then think about the intense heat that is bearing down on your roof all day long, all summer long. If [...]

2023-11-29T16:57:46-07:00November 2nd, 2016|Repair|

Inspecting your Phoenix Roof For Damage After Sunday’s Earthquake

Inspecting your Phoenix Roof For Damage After Sunday’s Earthquake A rare event occurred when Arizona got hit by a mid-range earthquake on Sunday, November 1st 2015. While some Phoenix area residents, slept through the quake, many did not and were consequently worried about possible damage to their homes and roofs. To assist home and business [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:42-07:00November 5th, 2015|Repair|

What questions should I ask a roofing contractor?

What questions should I ask a roofing contractor? This is a general, overall view of questions you should ask any AZ residential roofing contractor. There are more specific questions you should ask that pertain to your specific roofing project and materials, but without knowing the specifics of your project, it is impossible to know what [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:42-07:00May 12th, 2015|Repair|

FREE ways to avoid premature Phoenix roof repairs!

FREE ways to avoid premature Phoenix roof repairs! Everyone likes to put their personal touch on on the homes they own. Paint color, flooring, etc. can be a fun way to put your personal stamp! Roofing, however, is another story. While roofing is a necessary component to keeping a home or building maintained, it isn't [...]

2023-09-14T13:48:43-07:00April 1st, 2015|Repair|
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